Sunday, January 30, 2011

Experiment #1

This is truly an experiment.  How would it be to randomly put down thoughts, events, musings, revelations, and other life events in one place, and allow other to read it.  Interesting.  So, my experiment begins. 

Today I am feeling defeated by my body.  I am not well and in need of rest.  This is the only reason I have found the time to create this blog.  If my wishes came to fruition, I would not have the time to write, and I would feel wonderful. 


  1. I'm your first follower, so I thought I'd be your first commenter too! If you click on my pic, it will take you to a link for Dusty Pages, my main blog, and also Dusty Pages Archives, which is where my first few years of blogs are stored (when AOL Journals shut down). Have fun. It can be a lot of fun randomly writing and posting, and it can be addictive. If you have any questions about Blogger, just ask. :)


    That might be easier! lol


    Hey Amy. This is the link to my blog. Just figured I would give it to ya.
